Affordable Housing Committee

Chester's Affordable Housing Committee Duties and Responsibilities:

1.       Review and prioritize the Objectives and Strategies in Chester’s 8-30j Affordable Housing Plan;

2.       Make recommendations for implementing and updating the Town’s 8-30j Affordable Housing Plan, due May 2027 (By law, the Plan must be updated every five (5) years);

3.       Validate, measure and maintain the current inventory of designated Affordable Housing in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Housing’s, Affordable Housing Appeals Procedure List (P.A. 88-230);

4.       Provide and maintain a list of available properties or land sites that may be suitable for Affordable Housing;

5.       In collaboration with the Planning & Zoning Commission, make recommendations related to zoning regulations that impact Affordable Housing;

6.       Recommend a program of public engagement and Affordable Housing communications for the residents of Chester;

7.       Represent Chester in regional and statewide Affordable Housing forums, including representation in RiverCOG’s Regional Housing Committee (RHC);

8.       Maintain familiarity with federal, state and regional statutory/regulatory requirements and best practices relating to affordable housing;

9.       Other duties and responsibilities, as needed, or as specified by the Board of Selectmen.

Board Members

Allison Abramson


Bonnie Bennet


David Mesite


Brandon Dole


Ash-Lee Trentini


Steven Merola


Carlie Dailey


Patricia Bandzes


Henry Benjamin Krempel

P&Z Rep.